by Claus Andersen | Jan 24, 2021 | Downloads, Sony FX6, Testfiles
I have had the FX6 for roughly a week. Like I did with ProRes RAW at NAB 2018 and Blackmagic BRAW with the Pocket 4K in March 2019, I wanted to make some test files/sample footage available for download. The above files have been downloaded 30-40.000 times by...
by Claus Andersen | Mar 7, 2019 | Blackmagic, Blackmagic RAW, BRAW, Downloads, Testfiles When Blackmagic released Blackmagic RAW (BRAW) at IBC 2018 I was excited. Blackmagic released the BRAW for the Pocket Cinema Camera 4K a couple of days ago with the Blackmagic Camera 6.2 update and I wanted to shoot and upload some files...
by Claus Andersen | Apr 12, 2018 | Atomos, Colorgrading, Downloads, ProResRAW, Testfiles
Wanna test ProRes RAW? Are you exited about the new ProRes RAW from Apple and Atomos? I am! I might start shooting more RAW now. I edit in FCPX and the tedious workflow with previous RAW has kept me away. So what is ProRes RAW? Apple says… In 2007, Apple...