by Claus Andersen | Jun 7, 2018 | Peak Design, Uncategorized
Peak Design straps and achors I love my gear and would hate to drop it… I also love Peak Design. Those little anchors are awesome. Snap on, snap of… have them on all my cameras, still or video. Now it seems Peak are having some problems. Some seem to be...
by Claus Andersen | May 24, 2018 | Gear, Lenses, Rigging, Sony Camera, Sony_FS7
Pre-Face to rigging the Sony FS7 The Sony FS7 is a very versatile camera. It’s small enough to be compact yet can easily be rigged to make it a complete production camera. In this post I’ll discuss the different options available to Sony FS7 owners to...
by Claus Andersen | Apr 28, 2018 | Chrosziel, Fujifilm
Chrosziel has come out with a lens motorization MK-zoom for the Fujinon MK 18-55 and 50-135mm t2.9 zoom lenses, and it’s is pretty cool. Main features of the Chrosziel CDM-MK-Z Zoom Motor: It controls the zoom with 3 different zoom speeds. Controlled from the...
by Claus Andersen | Apr 21, 2018 | Atomos, ProResRAW
At the NAB show Atomos CEO Jeromy Young demonstrated the soon to be released ISO recording functions of the Sumo19 HDR production monitor recorder. The next version of AtomOS for the Sumo19 will allow for recording of four synchronous HD sources as separate ISOs. It...
by Claus Andersen | Apr 12, 2018 | Atomos, Colorgrading, Downloads, ProResRAW, Testfiles
Wanna test ProRes RAW? Are you exited about the new ProRes RAW from Apple and Atomos? I am! I might start shooting more RAW now. I edit in FCPX and the tedious workflow with previous RAW has kept me away. So what is ProRes RAW? Apple says… In 2007, Apple...